The ChronokineChronokine is a word I didn't make up but I wish I had. It means time movement in my novel. There is an unrelated area of science dealing with aging proteins also called chronokines, and that is unrelated to time travel.
In one use of the word, a chronokine is a time traveling human. In another, it's a machine that facilitates time traveling. The agent query I plan to pitch is as follows: In 1967, a supernatural talent invades Paxton Knox’s life. A force beyond his control sends him on trips back in time. He can alter events, but with a price. When the love of his life dies in a terrorist bombing, he learns his ability has a fickle side. He can’t use it to save her. A war rages in Vietnam and to suffocate his grief he takes up arms against the bomber’s political cause. The power won’t remain secret forever. A paranormal researcher studies him and builds a device that can transport him, and others like him, through time and space. The project seeks to alter history for the good of mankind. Paxton witnesses the tragic consequence of the attempt and seeks to reverse it, even if it destroys him. But he won’t know until the Chronokine launches him toward his life’s final act. That's 144 words and omits any personal information, word count, personal publishing history, and tidbits that might entice an agent to request a full or partial manuscript. I likely will tweak it some, but those two paragraphs distill the essence of the story. My blog's focus this year lies squarely on the task of searching for an agent. Compared to when I last attempted to leap out of the slush pile, agents have changed. |